











  1. Co-Star:NASAの天体データを活用し、パーソナライズされた占星術結果を提供。
  2. The Pattern:心理学的アプローチを基盤とした予測モデル。
  3. AstroMatrix:詳細なホロスコープ解析と運勢カレンダー。






  • Logic Pro X:Apple製のプロフェッショナル向けDAW(デジタルオーディオワークステーション)。特に自動アレンジ機能である「Drummer」が秀逸。
  • Ableton Live:ライブパフォーマンスと音楽制作の両立が可能。特に「Max for Live」機能により、ユーザー独自のエフェクトを作成可能。
  • FL Studio:直感的なインターフェースが初心者にも優しい。AIを活用したプラグイン「Fruity Granulizer」が注目。


  1. 音楽スタイル:電子音楽、ポップス、クラシックなど。
  2. 予算:フリーソフト(Cakewalk)から有料ソフト(Cubase、Pro Tools)まで幅広い。
  3. プラグインとの相性:たとえば、iZotopeのOzoneシリーズやNative InstrumentsのKompleteシリーズとの互換性。






  • Amper Music:初心者でもAI作曲が可能。
  • AIVA(Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist):クラシック音楽の生成に特化。
  • Boomy:簡単に商用利用可能なトラックを作成。



  • Holly Herndon:ディープラーニングを活用し、自身の声を素材とした革新的なアルバムを制作。
  • Taryn Southern:Amper Musicを使用してアルバム「I AM AI」を制作。






Predicting Your Music Production Fortune with AI and Recommended DTM Tools


AI technology and fortune-telling—at first glance, these two domains might seem unrelated. However, the advancements brought about by modern technology challenge this notion. In this article, we will explore how the intersection of these two areas—predicting your music production fortune through AI—can offer practical applications and valuable insights. We will also provide tips on selecting the best DTM (Desktop Music) tools.

AI leverages its data analysis capabilities to expand the traditional frameworks of astrology and psychological tests. Meanwhile, in the field of DTM, AI-powered music generation tools have unleashed new levels of creativity. By combining these two, we uncover the potential for a more personalized music production experience.

The Compatibility of AI Technology and Fortune-Telling

How AI Fortune-Telling Works

The foundation of AI fortune-telling lies in massive data analysis. Here, key technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning come into play. For example, in astrology-based fortune-telling, datasets from sources like NASA or open-source astrology APIs (e.g., AstroAPI) are used to calculate the positions of celestial bodies for specific dates and times.

For psychological test-based fortune-telling, tools like Google’s TensorFlow or PyTorch are employed to build predictive models based on personality traits. For instance, data from personality classification methods such as MBTI can be used to deliver predictions based on user inputs.

Benefits and Challenges of Fortune-Telling

The major advantage of AI fortune-telling lies in its “customizability” and “speed.” Traditional fortune-telling required significant time and cost, whereas AI analyzes vast amounts of data instantly to provide results. However, challenges include biases in AI models and the diverse interpretations of results, underscoring the importance of designing UX that aids interpretation.

Introducing AI Tools for Predicting Music Production Fortune

Notable AI Fortune-Telling Tools

  1. Co-Star: Provides personalized astrological insights using NASA’s celestial data.
  2. The Pattern: A prediction model based on psychological approaches.
  3. AstroMatrix: Offers detailed horoscope analysis and fortune calendars.

While these tools may not directly cater to music production, they can help plan your creative activities.

Sample Fortune-Telling for Music Production

For example, using Co-Star might yield a message like, “Today’s creativity index is high.” Based on such results, you can decide whether to focus on composing or designate a day for technical practice.

Recommended DTM Tools and Selection Tips

AI-Selected Best DTM Tools

  • Logic Pro X: Apple’s professional-grade DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) with an excellent automatic arrangement feature called “Drummer.”
  • Ableton Live: Ideal for both live performance and music production. Its “Max for Live” feature allows users to create custom effects.
  • FL Studio: Its intuitive interface is beginner-friendly. The AI-powered plugin “Fruity Granulizer” stands out.

Criteria for Choosing Tools

  1. Music Style: Electronic, pop, classical, etc.
  2. Budget: From free software like Cakewalk to premium options like Cubase and Pro Tools.
  3. Plugin Compatibility: For instance, integration with iZotope’s Ozone series or Native Instruments’ Komplete series.

Tips for Enhancing Music Production Fortune

Leveraging Fortune-Telling Results

A simple approach to incorporate fortune-telling into planning is to tackle bold challenges on high-luck days and reserve low-luck days for learning. Implementing AI-suggested “reflection sessions” can also deepen creative insights.

Collaborating with AI

The following tools are highly effective for AI-powered music production:

  • Amper Music: Enables beginners to compose music using AI.
  • AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist): Specializes in generating classical music.
  • Boomy: Quickly creates tracks suitable for commercial use.

Case Studies

Examples of Successful Musicians

  • Holly Herndon: Utilized deep learning to create an innovative album featuring her own voice as material.
  • Taryn Southern: Used Amper Music to produce her album, I AM AI.

Reader-Interactive Content

Embedding simple psychological tests or links to AI fortune-telling tools within articles provides an engaging reader experience, boosting article engagement.


The fusion of AI technology and fortune-telling to enhance music production fortune represents an exciting and expanding field. As AI continues to impact the music industry, explore ways to maximize your potential.

In the next article, we will delve deeper into the practical use of specific AI tools to provide even more actionable insights.