AIで3分!春の訪れを奏でるオリジナル曲を作ろう - 初心者でもできるSynthesizer Vチュートリアル
使うのはAI歌声合成ソフト「Synthesizer V」。名前だけ聞くと難しそうに感じるかもしれないけど、実はめっちゃ簡単。音楽なんてやったことないよって人でも、この記事読めば絶対「自分でもできるじゃん!」ってなるはず。春の訪れをイメージしたメロディを自分で作って、友達に自慢したり、SNSでシェアしたり、新生活の応援ソングにしたり…夢が広がりますよね。
◆ なぜ今、AIで音楽作り?春とAIの相性バッチリな理由
まず、なんで今AIで音楽作りなのか、ちょっとお話しさせてください。2025年の今って、AI技術がすごい勢いで進化してて、音楽制作もその恩恵をバッチリ受けてるんです。Synthesizer Vみたいなツールを使えば、専門知識なくてもプロっぽい曲が作れちゃう。しかも無料版でも十分遊べるから、お財布にも優しいんですよ。
◆ 準備編:Synthesizer Vをゲットしよう
さて、実践に入る前に準備から。Synthesizer Vってソフトをまず手に入れます。具体的な手順をステップで説明するので、焦らずやってみてください。
Synthesizer Vは公式サイト(からダウンロードできます。2025年2月時点で、無料版がちゃんとあって、それだけでも十分今回の企画楽しめます。対応OSはWindows、Mac、Linux。自分のパソコンに合わせて「Download Free Edition」をポチッと押してください。
ソフト入れたら、次は歌ってくれる「ボーカル」を選びます。無料版でも何人か使えるキャラがいて、たとえば「Saki AI」とか「Eleanor Forte」が人気。声の雰囲気はそれぞれ違うけど、春っぽい優しい感じが欲しいなら、軽くて柔らかいトーンの子がいいかも。
◆ 実践編:春のオリジナル曲を3分で作る
Synthesizer V開いたら、画面下のピアノロールってとこにカーソル合わせてください。メニューの「コード」機能から「C」「G」「Am」「F」を順番にポチポチ入力。1小節ずつ4小節分入れます。テンポはBPM120くらいで、軽快な感じに設定。
- 1小節目:E-G-A-G
- 2小節目:D-F-G-F(Gコードに合わせて)
- 3小節目:E-G-A-E(Amコード)
- 4小節目:G-A-G-F(Fコード)
- 「桜舞う 風に乗って」
- 「新しい 春が来たよ」
これを4小節に割り振ります。Synthesizer Vの歌詞入力欄(ピアノロールの上にある細長いとこ)に、日本語でそのまま打ち込んでください。たとえば、1小節目「さくらまう」、2小節目「かぜにのって」みたいに。AIが自然に発音してくれます。
- ビブラート: 声を震わせて感情的に。デフォルトの半分くらいで自然な感じに。
- ピッチ補正: 100%だとロボっぽいんで、80%くらいに下げて柔らかく。
- ブレス: 息継ぎ音入れてリアルに(小さめに設定)。
◆ 仕上げ編:曲を聴ける形にしよう
ここまでできたら、全体を聴いて「春感」出てますか?コードとメロディとボーカルがいい感じに混ざってるかチェック。もし「なんか平坦だな」と思ったら、エフェクトでリバーブ(残響)を軽くかけてみてください。Synthesizer Vの「エフェクト」メニューから「Reverb」選んで、30%くらいに設定すると、ふわっとした春っぽい雰囲気に。
◆ 応用編:もっと楽しむアイデア
春って新生活の季節。自分を励ます歌詞に変えてみてください。たとえば「頑張れ私 新しい明日へ」「一歩踏み出す 春の空の下」とか。前向きなフレーズで、朝聴くと元気出るような曲にアレンジ。歌詞変えるだけだからすぐできます。
友達の名前入れて「○○へ 春のエール」なんて曲作って贈ったら、絶対感動されます。たとえば「みさちゃんへ 笑顔咲く春に」みたいな感じ。メロディはそのままで歌詞だけ変えればOK。誕生日とかお祝い事にも使えますよ。
◆ おまけ:ハマっちゃった人へ、次のステップ
同じメロディを別のボーカルで重ねてみましょう。たとえば「Saki AI」で歌った上に「Eleanor Forte」でハモリ入れるとか。トラック追加してコピペするだけでできるんで、やってみてください。
Synthesizer Vにドラムはないけど、無料DAW(たとえばCakewalk)使えばリズムも追加できます。春っぽい軽いビート入れて、もっと本格的な曲に仕上げてみて。
◆ 最後に:あなたの春を彩る一曲を
AI in 3 Minutes! Create an Original Song for Spring’s Arrival - A Beginner-Friendly Synthesizer V Tutorial
Hey there! I’m the admin of "". It’s February 23, 2025 today—a Sunday—and even though it’s still a bit chilly out there, you can feel spring creeping closer, right? So, I’ve got the perfect plan for you today: “Let’s use AI to whip up an original spring-inspired song in just 3 minutes!”
We’ll be using an AI vocal synthesis tool called Synthesizer V. It might sound intimidating, but trust me, it’s super easy. Even if you’ve never made music before, by the end of this post, you’ll be like, “Wait, I can totally do this!” Imagine creating a melody that captures the vibe of spring—something to show off to your friends, share on social media, or even use as a personal cheer anthem for the new season. Sounds fun, right?
Let’s dive in! I’ll break it down step-by-step, so just follow along with me.
◆ Why Make Music with AI Now? The Perfect Match of Spring and AI
First off, let’s chat about why AI music-making is the thing to do right now. It’s 2025, and AI tech is advancing like crazy—music creation is totally benefiting from it. Tools like Synthesizer V let you make pro-sounding tracks without needing any fancy skills. Plus, there’s a free version that’s more than enough to have a good time with. Wallet-friendly, too!
And why spring? Well, a new season just makes you want to try something fresh, doesn’t it? Picture cherry blossoms blooming, warm breezes blowing, and new beginnings kicking off—that’s the kind of vibe we’re turning into music. It’s gotta lift your spirits!
What’s great about AI is it lowers the bar. No need to read sheet music or strum a guitar. Back in the day, you might’ve given up because it felt too hard, but now? Anyone can jump in. That’s why spring’s excitement and AI’s simplicity are such a killer combo.
Imagine finishing this post and having your very own “spring song” ready by the end of this Sunday, February 23, 2025. Doesn’t that sound like a special way to spend the day? Let’s make it happen!
◆ Prep Time: Getting Synthesizer V Ready
Before we start jamming, we need to set things up. Let’s grab Synthesizer V first. I’ll walk you through it step-by-step—don’t worry, it’s quick.
Step 1: Download the Software
Head over to the official site ( to download Synthesizer V. As of February 2025, the free version is still available, and it’s all we need for this project. It works on Windows, Mac, and Linux, so pick the one that matches your setup and click “Download Free Edition.”
Once it’s downloaded, the install wizard pops up—just follow the prompts. When I tried it, it took less than 5 minutes. As long as you’ve got an internet connection, you can start right now while reading this!
Step 2: Pick a Vocal
After installing, you’ll need to choose a “vocal” to sing for you. The free version comes with a few options, like “Saki AI” or “Eleanor Forte”—both are pretty popular. Each has a unique vibe, but for that spring feeling, go for something light and gentle.
Launch the software, and on the left side, you’ll see “Voice Database.” Pick one you like and give it a quick test by hitting play. You’ll be like, “Whoa, it sings!” That little thrill gets you pumped to move on.
◆ Hands-On: Making a Spring Song in 3 Minutes
Here’s where the fun starts! Our theme is “cherry blossoms dancing in the breeze.” We’ll craft a spring vibe together. I said 3 minutes, but once you get the hang of it, you might even do it faster. Let’s go step-by-step—nice and easy.
Step 3: Set Up a Simple Chord Progression
The backbone of any song is the chord progression—it sets the mood. Don’t stress, though; we’re keeping it simple with “C-G-Am-F.” It’s a classic, bright, and gentle sequence you hear in pop and J-POP all the time. Perfect for spring, right?
Open Synthesizer V and look at the piano roll at the bottom of the screen. From the menu, find the “Chords” option and click in “C,” “G,” “Am,” and “F” one by one. Put each chord in its own measure for 4 measures total. Set the tempo to around 120 BPM for a lively feel.
If you’re like, “Chords? Piano roll? Huh?”—no panic! The piano roll is that keyboard-looking area at the bottom. You’re just dropping chords there. Takes about 30 seconds. I’ll toss in a screenshot idea below if you need a visual.
Boom, your foundation’s done. Easy peasy!
Step 4: Add a Springy Melody
Now, let’s layer a melody on top. For example, over the C chord, try placing “E-G-A-G.” It’s got that light, fluttering vibe—like cherry blossoms falling. Keep the notes around C4 to G4 (middle of the piano roll) for a natural flow.
Here’s how: Click in the piano roll to add notes. Aim for 3-4 notes per measure across 4 measures. Something like:
- Measure 1: E-G-A-G (C chord)
- Measure 2: D-F-G-F (G chord)
- Measure 3: E-G-A-E (Am chord)
- Measure 4: G-A-G-F (F chord)
Repeat with slight tweaks, and it’ll sound like a real melody. Hum along as you go—it helps! Takes about a minute tops. You’ll feel it coming together.
Step 5: Write Spring-Inspired Lyrics
Time to give your AI a voice with some lyrics. Let’s keep it short and spring-like. Here’s my suggestion:
- “Cherry blossoms dance in the wind”
- “A new spring has arrived”
Split that across the 4 measures. In Synthesizer V, find the lyric input box (above the piano roll) and type it in. For example, “cher-ry blos-soms” for measure 1, “dance in the wind” for measure 2, and so on. The AI will sing it naturally.
Want to tweak it? You can break it into syllables like “cher-ry” or “blos-soms” for finer control. But for now, simple works. Takes 30 seconds or so.
Step 6: Tweak the AI Vocal
Hit play once your lyrics and melody are in. Cool, right? It sings! But it might sound a bit robotic at first. No worries—let’s tweak it:
- Vibrato: Add a little shake for emotion. Half the default setting feels natural.
- Pitch Correction: Set it to 80% instead of 100% to soften the robo-vibe.
- Breath: Add tiny breath sounds for realism (keep it subtle).
These controls are on the right panel. Slide them around until you’re like, “Yes, that’s it!” About a minute of fiddling, and you’ve got a “spring-worthy gentle voice.”
◆ Finishing Up: Making It Shareable
Step 7: Mix and Export
Listen to the whole thing—does it scream “spring”? If it feels flat, add a touch of reverb (echo) from the “Effects” menu. Set it to 30% for that breezy, floaty vibe. Once you’re happy, go to “File” → “Export” and save it as a WAV file.
Look at that—you’ve got a song in 3 minutes! Seeing your creation saved on your computer feels pretty awesome, huh?
Step 8: Share It on Social Media!
Don’t just keep it to yourself—share it! Post it on X or Instagram with a caption like, “Made my own spring song!” Throw in hashtags like “#SpringAISong” or “#SynthesizerV” to connect with others.
Or send it to a friend via text: “Check this out—I made it!” They’ll be blown away. Sharing doubles the fun.
◆ Bonus Ideas: Take It Further
You’ve got a song—now what? Here are some ways to play with it more.
Idea 1: A New Season Cheer Song
Spring’s all about fresh starts. Swap the lyrics to something like, “Keep going, me, to a new tomorrow” or “Step forward under spring skies.” Instant mood-lifter for your mornings.
Idea 2: A Gift for a Friend
Pop a friend’s name in: “To Sarah, a spring full of smiles.” Same melody, new lyrics—super thoughtful gift. Takes minutes to tweak.
Idea 3: Video Background Music
If you’re on YouTube or TikTok, use it as BGM for spring clips—think cherry blossom shots or a chill walk. Your own soundtrack makes it extra special.
◆ For the Hooked: Next Steps
If you’re like, “I want more!” after those 3 minutes, try these:
Try New Chords
Switch to “G-D-Em-C” for a different spring vibe. Same process, fresh feel.
Layer Harmonies
Add a second vocal track—like “Saki AI” singing the melody and “Eleanor Forte” harmonizing. Copy-paste and adjust—it’s luxe!
Add Drums
Synthesizer V doesn’t do drums, but a free DAW like Cakewalk can. Toss in a light beat for that full-band sound.
◆ Wrapping Up: Your Spring Soundtrack
So, what do you think? With AI, music-making’s a breeze, right? Capturing spring’s arrival in a song you made yourself—that’s kind of magical.
I’d love it if you, reading this on February 23, 2025, whip up “your spring song” today. Share your thoughts or your track on X—
Catch you in the next post. Have a blast with your spring creative vibes!